Update Configuration Manager Application Content Locations

I had planned to write this excellent article about using PowerShell to update the content locations of all the applications in an SCCM environment. At work, we moved the source files to a new file server and needed to update 350+ deployment types. Of course, there were some challenges. The biggest is Configuration Manager’s PowerShell cmdlet to get deployment types doesn’t have an explicit property to list the content location. You can still get the information from the cmdlet, but it’s located in the XML data of the object. A PowerShell script to update the content location would have required parsing that XML to get the current location and using the Set-CMDemploymentType cmdlet to update the deployment with the new location.

As usual, someone already did a better job. Nickolaj Anderson from MSEndpointMgr.com wrote a great PowerShell tool with a GUI to help find and update applications. I recommend visiting his website to learn the details.



Have fun.