AI image generation has been making a lot of buzz lately. It’s an exciting space due to the systems like DALL·E and Midjourney becoming available for people outside the AI world to play with. However, the one I find compelling, from a tech nerd viewpoint, is Stable Diffusion because it is open source and can run on local hardware. So, of course, I have to try it out and see how it worked.
Getting Stable Diffusion running on my hardware is more complicated than at first glance. Out of the box, the project is designed to run on the PyTorch machine learning framework. That’s a problem for me because PyTorch only supports hardware acceleration on Windows using NVIDIA’s CUDA API. And I have an AMD GPU. Linux has a better chance of success because PyTorch supports AMD’s ROCm API, but that’s a project for another day. There is another option.
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